Why Do I Need a Smartwatch?

The modern world is going “Smart”; smartphones, smart TVs, smartwatches, and we could be ushering several smart cities in the near future!! However, even with such advancement in technology and internet integration, many people are still skeptical about buying simple smart gadgets such as smartwatches- after all, why would I need a smartwatch when I can check time and date on my smartphone?

To others, it may feel as if the smartwatches duplicate smartphones’ functions, which weighs down the need to own one. Well, if you cannot make up your mind, this article will furnish you with a solid understanding of why you need a smartwatch and highlight some benefits of owning one. So, lets we dive right into it!

Do You Really Need a Smartwatch?

Style and Class

Watches have long been used as fashion accessories. However, the demand for smartwatches is on a surge, and they are exponentially replacing traditional watches. A smartwatch on your wrist communicates more than just elegance; it shows you are “smart,,” confident and self-conscious. For instance, you will appear sharp and simple in a black leather strapped Apple Watch Series 6 matched with a black belt and a black leather-made Oxford shoe in a board room; how about that for style and class?

Mapping and Directions

Most smartwatches, if not all, come with a GPS feature that allows you to map, find directions and monitor your real-time location. Once you have it strapped on your wrist, the smartwatch will actively notify you of what direction to take to your destination.

Compared to using a smartphone, smartwatches are far more convenient in that they are lightweight and easily accessible during jogging sessions; otherwise, you will have to look up your phone at every corner of your jogging route.

Fitness Tracker

Smartwatch brands such as Garmin, Fitbit, Apple Watch come with fitness tracker features that allow one to monitor and evaluate fitness goals. So, how does a smartwatch help you realize your fitness goals? Well, via its intelligent sensors, the watch can count your steps, the number of calories you burn every day, record your heart rate and sleeping hours for a healthier lifestyle. Some high-end smartwatches offer advanced programs such as cycling, swimming, yoga, among others.

Social Etiquette

Social and communication etiquette dictates that you stay attentive and away from avoidable distractions. Typically, frequently checking and using your phone when engaging in social conversation is perceived as rude and uncalled for. However, with a smartwatch, you can avoid checking your phone by taking a quick glance at your smartwatch on your wrist to keep time and stay updated while conversing.


Smartwatches are excellent portable entertainment devices. They come with sizable internal storage space that you to save up your favorite playlist for easy access. They really come in handy during jogging and gym sessions. Samsung brand has gone a top-notch high to integrate online music streaming platforms such as Spotify on Samsung S3, Gear Sport, Fit 2 Pro, and Gear Fit 2 for Spotify Music fans.

Internet of Things (IoT)

The IoT concept is gradually becoming a reality, especially in smart homes where you can control every tech device from your smartphone. Smartwatches are taking the concept to a whole new level, whereby you can control media playing devices from your wrist- it’s fascinating!

For example, you can use your smartwatch to turn hue indoor light on and off, control music on Amazon Echo smart speaker or Sonos sound system. You can also find your misplaced phone thanks to the built-in “Find Phone” feature that lets you connect to your and ring. In that case, a smartwatch would come in handy if you have a tendency to misplace your smartphone.

Send Text and Receive Calls

And while receiving calls may seem like a smartphone function entirely, smartwatches are now designed to make it much effortless, especially in particular circumstances. For example, say you are on a morning jog or in for a gym session, checking your phone for incoming calls and text messages could be a distraction and a little bit too awkward.

However, you can receive, decline, and check text messages from your wrist with a smartwatch as you keep up the pace on that trendmill. Most smartwatches will enable your mic and headphones for the conversation, while other advanced smartwatches such as Apple Watch allow you to communicate directly from the watch.

Unless they launch smartwatches with enabled holograms communications like we see on movies, receiving calls will mainly be on smartphones, but a smartwatch could really make it fun, convenient, and easy as we wait for the next big invention!

Social Media Notifications

From an honest perspective, our modern lives are glued to social media, and this section of the internet has a massive influence on our lives- most people cannot do with it for whatever reason. If you are one such kind of person, owning a smartwatch can arguably be a wise decision.

Most standalone smartwatches help you stay connected on social media and provide you with updated notifications. Some will even allow you actively interact on social media via built-in social media applications.

It is worth noting that all smartphone with this capability requires a SIM card and data plan. Otherwise, if you find one that claims to keep you “Connected” with requiring a data plan, that should be a red flag. Such smartwatches are dependent on smartphones and normally feed off your Bluetooth connection to keep you updated.

Stay Connected for Longer

How long can you stay connected with a fully charged smartphone? … I would say 3 to 4 days with a quality battery. This is terrible news if you cannot access power or are on a camping trip. On the other hand, a standalone smartwatch can keep online for at least 10 days without recharging. Some advanced smartwatches, such as Garmin Vivoactive, will go for a staggering 21 days on a single full charge. Trust me, no smartphone will hit 21 days on a single charge!

Are Smartwatches Really Worth It?

So, it is really worth it to spend a few hundred dollars purchasing a smartwatch? If you are new to the idea of smartwatches, you probably by now have been well convinced by all the benefits that come along with owning one. If you crave convenience, flexibility, ease of use, and style, I do not see why you should not buy a smartwatch. However, with the many smartwatch brands, finding the perfect one for yourself can be tricky. Therefore, we have had the courtesy to review some of the top best smartwatches and fitness trackers to add to the shopping cart.

It is worth noting that smartwatches are not meant to replace smartphones but complement them in their functions and make life much easier for you!

Do smartwatches really have a future?

The answer is a resounding yes!

The smartwatch industry is still in its early developmental stages and has not yet reached its potential. With continuous improvements in technology, it is only a matter of time before these devices become even better, more functional and more widely adopted.

The future looks bright for smartwatches and we can expect to see even more amazing devices being released in the years to come. So if you are thinking about getting a smartwatch, now is the time to do it!

Do smartwatches need a smartphone?

No, smartwatches do not need a smartphone to work. However, they are usually designed to be used in conjunction with a smartphone and most of them rely on a Bluetooth connection in order to receive notifications and perform other tasks.

There are a few standalone smartwatches that have their own data plans and can be used without a smartphone, but these are still relatively rare.

Do all smartwatches have a touchscreen?

No, not all smartwatches have a touchscreen. Some of the older models and more basic devices still use traditional buttons for navigation. However, the vast majority of smartwatches on the market today do have a touchscreen display.

What is the difference between a smartwatch and a fitness tracker?

The main difference between a smartwatch and a fitness tracker is that a smartwatch has more features and is generally more expensive than a fitness tracker. Fitness trackers are designed primarily for tracking fitness and activity data, while smartwatches also offer additional features such as the ability to receive notifications, make calls, and run apps.

Do smartwatches need their own data plan?

No, smartwatches do not need their own data plan. However, some standalone smartwatches such as the Samsung Gear S3 and the LG Watch Sport do have their own data plans. These devices can be used without a smartphone, but they will require a data plan in order to connect to the internet and use certain features.

How long do smartwatches last?

Most smartwatches will last for two to three days on a single charge. However, there are some devices that can last for up to seven days or more. It is important to note that the battery life of a smartwatch can vary depending on how it is used and what features are enabled. For example, if you use your smartwatch for GPS tracking or other power-intensive tasks, the battery will drain much faster than if you simply use it for checking the time and checking notifications.


Smartwatches are an incredibly convenient and stylish way to stay connected and keep track of your fitness goals. With so many different devices on the market, there is sure to be a smartwatch that is perfect for you. Do some research to find the best device for your needs and budget, and enjoy all the benefits that a smartwatch has to offer!

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